01.09.18 | News | By:

IntraSystems Named Citrix 2017 CSA Enterprise Partner of the Year!

This morning, at Citrix Summit 2018 during the CSA Award Ceremony in Anaheim, CA, IntraSystems was honored to be named Citrix’s 2017 CSA Enterprise Partner of the Year.  IntraSystems is extremely proud of our amazing team who all contributed to make this award possible. 

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01.08.18 | News | By:

IntraSystems Named First-Ever Citrix WW Partner of the Year!

At Citrix Summit ’18 in Anaheim, CA, IntraSystems was named the Citrix Worldwide Partner of the Year. This is the first time in company history that Citrix has named a Worldwide Partner of the Year.

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01.05.18 | News | By:

IntraSystems Presents “Moving to the Cloud” Webinar Series

At IntraSystems, we believe that there is no “one size fits all” roadmap to the cloud as each organization is different with their own unique needs and requirements. We’ve created a 3-part webinar series to help you get there! 

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10.18.17 | News | By:

SECURITY ALERT | WPA2 Protocol Vulnerabilities

CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC) has released information on Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2) protocol vulnerabilities. Exploitation of these vulnerabilities could allow an attacker to take control of an affected system.

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09.25.17 | News | By:

SECURITY ALERT | Citrix NetScaler

IntraSystems has recently been made aware of a security issue that affects all NetScaler builds. The vulnerability, if exploited, would allow an attacker to gain access to the NetScaler Management interface to gain administrative control of the appliance.

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