05.08.24 | Blog Posts | By:

AI Washing and Real Capabilities | Separating the Tools from the Toys

It is amazing, yet not surprising at all, that every single product or solution in the technology market today is touting AI. Gartner’s Hype Cycle for Artificial Intelligence from November 2023 has Generative AI right at top of “Peak of Inflated Expectations” – 100% accurate.

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08.10.20 | Blog Posts, News | By:

Citrix to End Perpetual Licensing Model Effective October 1, 2020

Citrix has announced that as of October 1, 2020, they will be ending the availability of the Digital Workspace perpetual software licenses in favor of a new subscription-based licensing model.

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05.20.19 | Blog Posts | By:

Moving to Microsoft Office 365? Make the most of it!

Stressed about the move to Office 365? You’re not alone. In fact, while Microsoft estimates that almost 90 percent of enterprises already own licenses, organizations across industries are finding that the deployment of cloud apps tests even the most adept IT teams—not to mention the hours of productivity it can consume for everyone.

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04.24.19 | Blog Posts | By:

Pursue Your Cloud with Confidence!

As today’s businesses rapidly transform, IT is leading the charge into the digital age with innovative cloud-based solutions for overcoming their growing business challenges.  But one thing is becoming increasingly clear.

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08.18.17 | Blog Posts | By:

My Game of Thrones Takes on Cloud Computing

Winter is coming… In the form of Hybrid Cloud.

For years, we have been told that cloud computing will be Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, our data centers will become obsolete and our people will only work within the walls of our castles.

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