04.24.19 | Blog Posts | By:

Pursue Your Cloud with Confidence!

As today’s businesses rapidly transform, IT is leading the charge into the digital age with innovative cloud-based solutions for overcoming their growing business challenges.  But one thing is becoming increasingly clear.

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08.18.17 | Blog Posts | By:

My Game of Thrones Takes on Cloud Computing

Winter is coming… In the form of Hybrid Cloud.

For years, we have been told that cloud computing will be Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, our data centers will become obsolete and our people will only work within the walls of our castles.

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04.30.13 | Blog Posts | By:

Outsourcing to the Cloud….Are We Repeating Failures of the Past?


Upon my recent return from an industry Cloud Computing Summit, I started to ponder if IT jobs as we currently know them will become a thing of the past.

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02.21.13 | Blog Posts | By:

Will Windows 8 OS Ease Our Burden On Having Multiple Devices?

Paul Kunze_Head Shot_Web_1Will Windows 8 be the operating system to ease our burden on having multiple devices?  By now, it is a known fact that many of us in IT and many IT consumers rely on a ridiculous amount of computing devices to get through a day of personal and professional computing.  

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01.04.13 | Blog Posts | By:

IT Trends for 2013

Paul Kunze_Full Picture_LinkedInCorporate social collaboration will enable organizations to save time and money while managing risk and ensuring accountability. Facebook-type solutions are not just for personal social media. More and more software vendors are seeing the benefits of adding collaboration tools into their product suite that look and perform like a Facebook application,

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